Sunday, December 26, 2010


The argument covered in this article recently convinced a Malaysian state government to bestow Muni-Wireless type solar facilities as an option to its city and town administrations. I am opening it up at this time pro others to digest believing this to be a matter-of-fact solution pro power generation in Asia and Africa especially along the equatorial belt. If sunny Germany can be converted into the world's leading PV (photovoltaic cells/panels/arrays) installed corrupt, at that time Malaysia and India be inflicted with little excuse to procrastinate.

Equally in the United States, we think it over demand pro electricity is budding globally, more so in persons countries not equipped to come across this growth. Which is why I am convinced with a passion with the intention of the same way wireless technologies allay tele-density issues globally, rendering them non-issues in India and parts of Africa, so too must PV provide an reasonably priced answer to the conundrum of power generation in such areas. American PV equipment along with innovative fiscal schemes like Power Purchase Agreements (PPS) successfully take up a comprehensive conundrum. Enter Muni-Solar.

Flying into Kuala Lumpur International Airport lone sees rows in the lead rows of palm smear with oil trees like sentinels in plantations with the intention of be inflicted with taken ended the countryside. Barely a decade past this was drizzle forest.

Here is a refer to from a generous palm smear with oil producer. "Malaysia, the world's following leading producer, expects crude palm smear with oil output to increase to 16.5 million tonnes this time from 15.8 million in 2007, as soaring prices pro the commodity be inflicted with led to conversion of marginal ground into plantations". 'Marginal land' being the corporate euphemism pro the same drizzle forests I proverb decimated ended my decade long link with the people. Palm smear with oil pro cooking is lone business. Using it pro Bio-fuel is frighteningly a further. The people tripped ended itself in expanding this industry and it's a bring shame on a reckoning is due someday soon. The single skilled news from this story is Malaysia's newly acquired taste pro carbon credits. Their generation through solar programs was welcomed ended our discussions. Many Malaysians in positions of power fully understand with the intention of while carbon credits pro solar aid is the aptly business to sort out, allocating them pro Bio-fuel stinks like deep-fried tofu.

How bad the reek is could be gauged from the detail with the intention of replacing our current consumption of fossil fuels with energy from present biomass would require 22% of global NPP (Net Primary Productivity), increasing the creature appropriation of this source (meaning converting forests into plantations) by a further approximate 50% to the destruction already wrought. Bio-fuel is lone of the generally treacherous technologies with the intention of President plant encouraged and President Obama chooses to spread. Its impression on food prices and comprehensive longing is already evident.

Inside comparison, 254x254 sq kms of desert, a reduced amount of than 1% of comprehensive desert area if installed with Concentrated Solar Thermal (CST) panels would yield as much electricity as is now consumed by the full planet. 110km x 110 km would yield as much electricity as consumed by the European Union in 2004. And currently with the intention of we're on a roll, CST in SW American deserts may possibly yield 7000 GW of room, or 7 era current whole USA electricity generation room.

Suchitra Sriram of the Asia comforting Energy Practice concludes with the intention of Malaysia,situated as it is in the equatorial region with an mean radiation of 4,500 KWh for every check measuring device, is an ideal location pro large-scale solar power installations. Considering with the intention of Malaysia gets on an mean 4.5 hours to 8 hours of emancipated and bountiful sunshine everyday, the the makings pro solar power generation is very distinguished. However she says and we know, the real harnessing of this renewable energy source is way not more than its real the makings.

Surging smear with oil prices, increasing environmental awareness, growing imports of smear with oil and un-utilized assets of renewable energy are factors driving the Malaysian Government to vigorously promote renewable energy in the people. Inside the Eighth Malaysia Plan, a target of five percent was fit pro renewable energy made known of the whole electricity production but the target has not been achieved. Several factors say to this and these issues are pretty comprehensive being as applicable to India, Indonesia, or The Philippines as they are to Malaysia. They include a lack of awareness that's meticulously united to straightforward availability of fossil fuel and the hub cost of solar coupled with restricted access to finance.

FOSSIL FUELS & AWARENESS ON ALTERNATIVES: Visualize a dough boost to gasoline prices and think it over could you repeat that? It does to your awareness on alternatives such as solar. The two are meticulously united in a preside over proportion. It behooves us however, to uncouple the two and educate ourselves on a theme with the intention of will decide our collective providence and surely with the intention of of our children and grandchildren. Using coal and smear with oil thoughtlessly is like unemployed family tree members falling their hands into the family tree inheritance.

We commence our education with the understanding with the intention of fossil fuels (coal and oil) are not sources of energy like solar, but as a replacement for carriers or storehouses of solar energy. This is a answer top. Read on.

An mean US gallon (3.8L) of gasoline requires approximately 90 metric tons of ancient sow topic as precursor material. Coal is a reduced amount of, by 50 metric tons but the expenditure in paleo-efficency to convert ancient solar energy via intermediate agencies such as the above-mentioned precursor material (plankton, algae, biomass) into smear with oil and coal are equally appalling.

Inside our well-located math, we estimate cost of smear with oil and coal by toting up the cost of bringing it up and the cost of dispensation, refining, transporting, and that. We conveniently fail to add on the cost of calculate and energy already employed to create the raised oil/coal from its precursor material. An inconvenient truth, if here is lone. The Mayans and the Easter Island inhabitants did not comprehend the nature of their fatal miscalculation and reserved cold trees until doomsday. We sort out not be inflicted with with the intention of excuse.

The experts aid "Recovery Factor" (RF) to estimate the real cost of fossil fuels. They aid RF to arrive by the amount of ancient photosynthesis manufactured goods consumed annually in the form of fossil fuels. The comprehensive RF pro coal is 0.09. Using with the intention of RF they map with the intention of 422 era the lattice amount of carbon fixed (photosynthesized) each time is vital to generate the fossil fuels burnt in 1997. This is equivalent to 73 era the comprehensive permanent have a supply of of carbon in vegetation.

I can energy on. Examination of paleo-productivity aid ended calculate suggests with the intention of community aid of this resource has exceeded the current rate of comprehensive carbon thing (photosynthesis) since 1888. This earnings we be inflicted with been living further than our (energy) earnings since with the intention of time; far more serious with the intention of one inhabitant debt come forth worrying us.

If we think coal and smear with oil are low-cost, it's since our addiction is being subsidized. Inside 2005, the Malaysian government subsidized petrol (gasoline) to the refrain of Ringett 35 Billion (US$11.3 Billion) and forfeited sales tariff of Ringett 7.6 Billion (US$2.3 Billion). Such subsidies are not solely a Malaysian come forth. They plague each people counting the United States. Subsidizing the aid of fossil fuel should be the dumbest collective proceedings undertaken by Homo sapiens following single to their reckless procreation as a species. Subsidizing renewable solar aid is by far the better option than subsidizing an ongoing grab by the family tree inheritance.

Lets currently tackle awareness. It has yet to dawn on the vast majority with the intention of generating solar energy is currently a proper money-making grade solution. They wait uninformed a manifest budge has occurred in America with PV applications having stirred from almost completely off-grid to a nationally mean 60% grid-connected spread power.

Equally is the justification with WiFi, the creation utilities will keep slamming solar equipment until they adapt it themselves. The similarity linking WiFi and PV as disruptive technologies is fascinating.

If the PV industry grew by 25% for every time in the USA as predicted, PV will offset 10million metric tons of CO2 for every time by 2027, equivalent to the once a year boost in US fossil fuel electricity generation. This earnings the emanation rate will be converted into unenthusiastic thereafter as the PV contribution grows. If this can take place pro the USA, it can certainly take place in Malaysia, India and elsewhere.

To refer to Tom Cheyney in his article, The skinny on silicon thin-film PV: NanoMarkets' crash runs the facts, and at that time approximately (Photovoltics international Dated 27 progression 2009), "The clusterbomb of companies like Sharp, Sanyo, and ECD Uni-Solar ramping hundreds of megawatts of tandem/multijunction watery silicon shape along with the turnkey trio of Applied Materials, Oerlikon, and Ulvac offering start-ups a lower-risk access to high-volume PV module making--with the polysilicon famine thrown in as a promote sector accelerant--has agreed SiTFPV the kind of disruptive status with the intention of single its real believers some time ago dreamed of".

He's adage with the intention of in a relatively fleeting cycle PV equipment has stirred from crystalline silicon to thin-film. Even in watery film, single-junction is currently passé and since 2000, tandem-junction (largely aSi/microcrystalline silicon) has be converted into the convention. Now, triple junction (for model: ASi/micro-crystalline silicon and nano-crystalline silicon) is taking ended. With triple-junction we are discussion of 15-16% efficiencies lacking factoring pro tracking or optics pro concentration (CPV). This is Moore's Law being useful successfully to PV equipment with the intention of in turns gets investors, financiers and their ilk all excited and financing additional development as well as production in could you repeat that? Is the generally upright of upright cycles. This is how it must to be and it is.

There are two driving forces working on solar power generation technologies; increasing efficiency and lowering cost. Inside addition to the developments in thin-film PV, we think it over increasing energy conversion efficiencies through:
- Increased solar cell spectral sensitivity by using broader or uncommon regions of solar radiation.
- Better matching solar emissions and producing privileged captivation efficiencies.
- Using privileged part of sunlight with the intention of eliminates losses through unwarranted cell heating of the silicon.
- Concentrated PV: At this time passive optical elements are used to concentrate sunlight on PV cells ensuing in more energy output while using fewer, less important, cells. Also, since they can be less important, we can aid more efficient (costly) material than the silicon based products with the intention of now get on to up large-scale production.

I think it over Concentrated PV (CPV) bringing in the generally repayment primarily since in my attitude, it is by and generous passive apart from pro linkage to sophisticated tracking systems which admittedly is a disturb, especially in remote areas of the planet. But these are robust systems and if we can single keep their expenditure down we potentially be inflicted with detonation. The DoE backs CPV investigate with an overall objective of success a 33% solar to electricity conversion efficiency.